Magical Living, PracticallyKnow how you know you’re letting your soul-self drive? That divine truth part of you that knows how to steer the ship of your life better…Jan 20, 2022Jan 20, 2022
Walking With the Moon: Practical Planning with the Lunar CycleIf you’re someone who notices that you’re sensitive to lunar energy, you may have experienced sleeplessness with the full moon, or get…Dec 14, 2021Dec 14, 2021
Becoming Buoyant: A Place Beyond HealingIf you’re reading this you’re likely no stranger to inner work and all the process that goes along with it. I get it. I’m the Queen when it…Nov 24, 2021Nov 24, 2021
Manifestation Made EasierThere’s a million books out there on manifestation, and I don’t need to reinvent the wheel in that regard. The art of getting what you want…Sep 23, 2021Sep 23, 2021
Celebrate! Why Honoring the Small Stuff Can Make a Big DifferenceI completed a daunting task this week, writing copy for a landing page I had been futzing with for a couple of months (you can currently…Jul 30, 2021Jul 30, 2021
RecombobulatingI’m still trying to sort out how I feel about things starting to go “back to normal” in the world. I mean, considering there’s really no…Jul 21, 2021Jul 21, 2021
Healing: Narrowing the GapAs many of you know, I dove into the world of energy work and healing as kind of a knee-jerk reaction to some physical issues I was having…Jul 7, 2021Jul 7, 2021
Coming Through!: Navigating an Anger WaveRaise your hand if the general vibes feel whack-a-doodle to you. I mean still feel whack-a-doodle.Jun 23, 2021Jun 23, 2021
Finding Truth in Our JoyIf you were an ice cream flavor, which flavor would you be?Jun 4, 2021Jun 4, 2021
If You Can’t Say Something Nice: A Rationale for Holding Your TongueFor those of you who’ve been reading my missives for a while, you’ve heard me address the state of divisiveness the bulk of the population…May 27, 2021May 27, 2021